Here come the boyz...
I went to see the Balletboyz on Tuesday night at GLive and once again I sat transfixed for the duration. Standing in the playground on...
And stretttccchhhh....
I caught sight of myself in the mirror just now and and was none too happy. Nothing to do with the fact I need a hair cut, more to do...
Training the teacher...
I had an absolutely fab day at Cobham Pilates on Sunday. It was for their Teacher Inspiration Day, which is an opportunity for teachers...
The hills are alive...!
I went for a run this morning up through the woods to Newlands Corner. It was stunning! The mist was rising from the fields, it was...
It's Disco Time!
I have just dropped Zeb off at his first school disco at the grand old age of 8. He had football club beforehand so I dutifully spent the...
My Left Foot
So, I spend a lot of time thinking about feet. Not just about what I'm wearing on them, (although as my parents and husband would...
WIFE Conference & International Women's Day 2015
Hello everyone! So, this is my first post for Guildford Pilates Place. The reason I have finally pulled my finger out to start a blog is...