Be a bit more Simon Cowell
I have really slacked off with the blog writing I must say. I was wondering why and after much pontification I think it’s because I’m...
Life is better upside down (or 'Handstands, oh how I've missed you')
I haven’t written a post for months and months! I drafted many but then opted not to publish them as they were mainly about my recovery...
I last made it to my lovely yoga class two weeks ago now, but something Liane said has popped up quite a few times since. She was...
Perfect Pilates Person?
I was witness to the downside of social media yesterday. I follow a marvellous instructor based in NYC on Instagram. She demonstrated a...
Fancy Footwork
So here we are, almost halfway through the first month of 2017 and I've just seen that I've not published anything I've written since...
The running man
I just went out for an early run and as I was very slowly making my way up the annoyingly long hill that is Warren Road with what seemed...
"I guide. You are your own teacher."
Liane's done it again...I was laying there on my mat at Cafe Mila this morning and out she came with this nugget that I instantly thought...
Observe, don't judge (and a Happy New Year!)
I was back at my regular Wednesday morning yoga class this week at Cafe Mila having not been since early December. As we went through the...
Just breathe...
As I sit here about to turn my 'out of office' on my email I thought I should write a blog post before I take some time off! Many of you...
Summer summer summer summertime...!
It is summer time 2015! Ok, in the UK that means a mixture of sunshine and showers, but it is still the time of year that tends to catch...